The castle's most important holidays, linked to religious holidays and who involved the entire population, were those of St. Bernardino, parish's patron; of St. Rocco and St. Sebastiano, protectors from the plague, frequent disease of the medieval age.
At the end of fifteenth century, in St. Bernardino's holiday (may, 20 ), the Tower Council used to elect a Capitain with an Ensign and fifteen soldiers for the purpose of having a party with gun fires.
The biggest costs were for "to eat and to drink".
January, 17: Abbot St. Antonio
January, 20: Martyr St. Sebastian
February, 3: Martyr and Bishop St. Blaise
February, 10: Bishop St. Desiderio
March, 19: St. Giuseppe
May, 8: St. Michele Archangel
May, 20: St. Bernardino (main town's protector)
June, 13: St. Antonio of Padova
June, 16: Martyr St. Quirico
June, 24: Nativity of St. John Baptist
August, 11: Bishop of Assisi St. Rufino
August, 15: St. Rocco (co-protector)
October, 4: St. Francis
October, 8: St. Simeone (co-protector)