A lot are the nicknames mentioned in the "stato delle anime" of several years.
We mention: il Tagliolino, Pelucchio, Ciucciumino, Babuiso, il Parecchio, il Tegolo,
Fantabuco, Brunello, Campanella, Paglialunga, Buruba, il Brunetto, Magrino, Pito, Sonno,
Ciampiglione, Sorce, Indringola, la Bigerna, Biancone, Carnevale, Bregnolone,
Brugnolino...some of them had become real surnames, already existing.
Other interesting nicknames of citizens of Tordandrea used in the fifteenth century are:
l'Abate, Gabbiano, Papa, Perello; in the sixteenth century : Battelardo, Zuchetta, Carlone, Birello, Pompa, Raffa, Zazzara, Tartaglino, Micaletto ecc.: some of them are also at the origin of modern surnames
In the seventeenth century we remember: Giommo o Giommetta, Polloro, Parre, Cionne, Ceccarello, Bartoccio or Bartoccietto, Morico ecc.
In the first half of the nineteenth century to the members of Baldoni's family was given the nickname of Fiorentini, secure proof of their toscan origin.
Now the following nicknames are used by the population of Tordandrea: Pavoncella, Chicchero, Menne, Norio, Mucco, Cozzetto, Ceccarone, il Sordo, etc.