The first drawing up of the constitution "for the fifteen men of Torre d'Andrea, elected by the Illustrious Lord Braccio Baglioni" is dated February, 4, 1354.
It was, actually, a rule for the Castle, even if the vast majority of these rules were about punishments.
Main articles of this constitution set the proper ways to pay and collect money fines. The others were about other kind of damages and punishments .
Many of these articles will be retaken and modified in the more detailed Rule that was defined by the marquisate in 1549.
"The reform made for the Community of Torre d'Andrea at the time of the prior Briello and Rofino" was signed on July, 31, 1549, by Braccio Baglioni.
This renewed and final rule is made of eighty points, almost all of them about general damages and fines. About other themes we have only few rules, and these are about testaments, dowries, inheritances, boundaries, taxes, sales.
This text plays an important historic role: it is the only rule for the Assisi municipality and it has an important linguistic role too, because it was written in the vulgar tongue.
Seal of the archive of Torre